Big fucking brown bear, yet cuddly
Level 23
companion of Arust
GnollDeath is your typical brown bear. He's male, mean, but smart. In a bearish way. He is roughly 4ft tall at the shoulder when on all fours and just over 10ft tall when standing. He weighs a little over 2000 lbs, as he is not really a wild bear and has an exceptionally good diet of meat, grains (nom barley), honey, and gnolls. He's a dumb kind of friendly, the kind of friendly that will smile a bearish smile at you even after you've kicked him. Even in the snout. But when things dawn on him, albeit slowly, or when Arust shouts a command, he will roar and attack. RAWR. |
22 |
20 |
14 |
8 |
14 |
8 |
AC |
35 |
Fort |
37 |
Reflex |
33 |
Will |
35 |
HP |
Bloodied |
Surge Value |
Surges |
246 |
123 |
61 |
2 |
Speed |
5 |
Base Attack |
+25 vs AC |
Damage |
1d12 (see video) |
Trained Skills: |
Athletics, Endurance |
Senses: |
Lowlight, Cheese Radar |
Gnolldeath sleeps wherever Arust is, and rarely makes a den for the winter (he hasn't in 5 years). If Arust is gone and has left him behind, GD will sleep in the front entryway of Elloth's. If they're off together and have left him alone, he'll either camp outside her house or wander out to the forest and pick a nice berry patch to sleep (and eat) in. LUFF BERREZE!
(Note, I assume that GD is smart (8) enough and wise (14) enough to walk around town and not get into trouble, and the population is cultured enough to notice and allow intelligent animals basically simple citizen rights. In other non-Eladrin towns, or non-elf towns, I won't make that assumption. I also might go so far as to assume he can almost understand common and/or elven, and can basically communicate in yes/no gestures, he's also probably good at reading body language and interpreting people's gestures. Like a chimp basically.)

Appeared in: Kingdom Under Siege, Companion of Arust.
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