
Hyglak                          170 Points
(Hi- jill- e- yak)
Footman / Scout
Male, Viking, Age 20, Height 6'-2", Weight 200#, Tall strong strapping young guy
with long blond hair and blue eyes. No beard growable. Late youngster, young face.
Wears darkened chain and a large white elk cossak. Right handed, 20/20 vision, TL3.

"Help me carry Ragnar out. "
"It will be a long day."

ST      13      30      
DX      12      40      
IQ      9       -20
HT      12      20

HP      15
WI      11
PE      10
FP      14
Advantages:                     Disadvantages:
                                Bad Temper (12)                 -10
                                Bloodlust (12)                  -10
Accute Vision (+2)      4       Code of Honor (Vikings)         -10     
Breath Holding (+1)     2       Duty (Headman) Haz <12          -15     
Arm ST (+2)             10      Destiny (Fight in Rag)          -30
Basic Move (0.25)(0)    0       Sense of Duty (Crew&Nation)     -10
DR (2)                  10      Unknown Enemy                   -15
Extra fatigue (2)       6       
Extra Hit Points (2)    4       Choice of -20 from:
Hard to Kill (1)        2       Lecherousness                   -15
High Pain Threshold     10      Lunacy                          -10
Nightvision (2)         2       Impulsiveness                   -10
Resistant to Disease +8 15      Honesty                         -10
                                Gullability                     -10
Fearlessness (+1)       2       Greed                           -15
                                Chummy                          -5
Luck (1/game hr)        15
Perception (+1)         5
Rapid Healing           5
Social (Feared)(2)      10
Strong Will (3)         15
Fit                     5
Combat Reflexes         15

Loud talker     -1
Boisterous      -1

Northern (native)       0

        name (diff,pts:val)

Axe/Mace                (DX/A, 8: 14)
Boating (Unpowered)     (DX/A, 4: 13)
Brawling                (DX/E, 4: 14)
Broadsword              (DX/A, 1: 11)
Camouflage              (IQ/E, 2: 10)
Climbing                (DX/A, 2: 12)
Dancing                 (DX/A, 1: 11)
Detect Lies             (PE/H, 1:  8)
Escape                  (DX/H, 1: 10)
Fast Talk               (IQ/A, 2:  8)
First Aid               (IQ/E, 1:  9)
Gesture                 (IQ/E, 1:  9)
Hiking                  (HT/A, 1: 11)
Interrogation           (IQ/A, 1:  8)
Intimidation            (WI/A, 2: 11)
Knife                   (DX/E, 4: 14)
Leadership              (IQ/A, 1:  8)
Navigation (Land)       (IQ/A, 1:  8)
Navigation (Sea)        (IQ/A, 1:  8)
Observation             (PE/A, 8: 12)
Riding                  (DX/A, 2: 12)
Running                 (HT/A, 1: 11)
Search                  (PE/A, 1:  9)
Sex Appeal              (HT/A, 1: 11)
Shield                  (DX/E, 2: 13)
Spear                   (DX/A, 4: 13)
Stealth                 (DX/A, 4: 13)
Streetwise              (IQ/A, 2:  9)
Survival (Arctic)       (IQ/A, 1:  8)
Survival (Woodland)     (IQ/A, 1:  8)
Swimming                (HT/E, 4: 14)
Tactics                 (IQ/A, 1:  8)
Throwing                (DX/A, 2: 12)
Throwing (knife)        (DX/E, 1: 12)
Tracking                (PE/A, 4: 11)
Traps                   (IQ/A, 1:  8)
Wrestling               (DX/A, 2: 12)

Viking Swordsman
Naval Training          (1)
Close Combat (Axe/Mace) (Hrd, 2: 11)
Feint (Axe/Mace)        (Hrd, d: 14)
Disarming (Axe/Mace)    (Hrd, 3: 16)
Sweep (Spear)           (Hrd, 2: 12) Def-3
Targeted Atk (A/M Sw Vit)(Hrd, d: 11) Def-3

Attributes      70
Advantages      132
Disadvantage    -120
Quirks          -5
Languages       0
Skills          93

Mail shirt 9-11, 17-18          DR 4/2 Flexible
Mail Sleeves/Legs 6-8, 12-14    DR 4/2 Flexible
Leather Gloves 15               DR 2 Flexible
Heavy Boots 16                  DR 2 Flexible
Mail Coif 3-4                   DR 4/2 Flexible

None (0) BL     34#
Light (1)       68#
Medium (2)      102#
Heavy (3)       204#
X-Heavy (4)     340#

Basic   6
move    6
Dodge   10

Damage (Arm St 15)
Punch Thrust    1d+1
Punch Swiwng    2d+1
Kick Thrust     2d
Broadsword      swing +1        Cut
Bow             Thrust +2       Imp
Spear           Thrust +2       Imp
Axe             Swing +2        Cut
Knife           Swing -2        Cut
Dagger          Thrust          Imp

Knife           10
Brawl           11 (2 per round)
Spear           10
Broadsword      9 (2 per round)
Block           10 (+2 All Active Defenses (not included))

Horse, Saddle, Bags, blankets, 50' rope, 5 days dried fish and hard bread, 
water skin.
Belt, purse (20 silver), pouch, flint, steel, tinder bag.
Armor, Knife, Dagger, Small battleaxe in belt, Shield, 
(3) spears (for throwing or melee).
Clothes, cossak, boots, gloves, hat.


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