Chris H

Chris H


Chris H may or may not be some sort of Time Lord. He just appeared at UMF one day, joined the TGC, looking older than he claimed to be, quoting song lyrics from the Beatles, and knowing a suspicious amount about H.P. Lovecraft and the Victorian era. Whatever his true temporospatial locus of origin, Chris is clearly a gamer to the core, willing to play nearly anything and tending to run games ranging from Shadowrun to Castle Falkenstein (as well as showing his bizarre sense of humor in games like Gurps IOU, Tabloid, and that Fudge game with David Korresh and the KKK). Students of the form will note that Chris' GMing style is heavily influenced by that of Randy and Tom K.


Games I've Played

Games I've Run


Characters I've Played


Favorite Games:


Memorable Moments/Quotes: