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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 9 months ago



Bob prefers to go by Robert, but far too many people in the gaming circles would have no idea what we were talking about if we talked about Robert.


Robert, who enjoys travelling to participate in slightly.... unlawful protests, once revelled in his geek while protesting: they had observed that when the cops beat them with sticks, it hurts, so they constructed large shields to allow them to protest longer before being bludgeoned down. Upon having the opportunity to use them, Robert stood there, shield locked with comrades in non-violent resistance, damning the man, and thought to himself "Damn shields are effective! They should be worth WAY more than 1 AC!"


Robert is currently pursuing a graduate degree in paranoid leftism in California, where he also doesn't game. We expect within 2 years he will either return, or move to Texas.


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Games I've Run


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