
Heart of Cyre

Page history last edited by Kr1mz0n 2 months ago

Heart of Cyre


The GM: Claus


The Characters:

Player Character Race Class
Nada Milo Thorngage (and Lightning)
Tom Daelin d'Phiarlan
Elf Bard/Rogue
Christopher Qix
Lawrence Varen Nailo d’Phiarlan
Ryan Straffet Aasimar Barbarian/Fighter 


Game System: D&D 5th Edition

Game Type: Campaign


Session # IRL Game Date In World Game Date Start Location at Start Lvl High Level Session Notes 
41 ? Therendor 2, 998 Sharn, Oceanview ? Dinner part at Xocryn Gemplepompel's House - Learn of the Tower near Redleaf
42 ? Therendor 6, 998 The Tower ? Inside the Tower of Many Floors
43 ? Therendor 6, 998 The Tower ?

Inside the Tower of Many Floors

44 2023-05-06 Therendor 6, 998 The Tower ? Inside the Tower of Many Floors
45 2023-05-19 Therendor 6, 998 The Tower ?

Group leaves Tower of Many Floors, collects contract from Company of the Red Hand, head to Tantamar

46 2023-08-11 Therendor 13, 998 Tantamar ? Group heads to the Taer Lian Doresch (Tower of Fading Dreams)
47 2023-08-25 Rhaan, 17, 999 Fading Dreams 11 Group leaves Taer Lian Doresch, returns to Tantamar
48 2023-09-08 Rhaan 18, 999 Tantamar 11 Group meets up with Cpt Blood, Heads to Regalport, visits Coral Crest Manor, meets High Prince, and finds the Shipwreck
49 2023-09-30 Rhaan 20, 999 Lhazaar Sea 11 Group, after talking to Tyne and Alizeh, take the Gilded Needle to find and defeat the Kiss of Thunder 
50 2023-10-13 Rhaan 25, 999 Lhazaar Sea 11 Group returns to Regalport, spend a lazy day ay Coral Crest Manor, then dinner with Lady Alizeh. (EMOTIONS)
51 2023-11-04 Rhaan 26, 999 Lhazaar Sea 11 Group connects with Cpt Blood and head to Fort Bones via Vulyar - Entering with the Crimson Inspector
52 2023-12-16 Rhaan 28, 999 Fort Bones 11 Group enters the Vault and acquires the Queen of Night (framing both the Crimson Minister and the Elves) - then gives the elves the information to storm the keep.  Then hook up with Blood and head off into the sunset.
53 2024-01-06 Sypheros 1, 999 Tears Remembered 11 Went to  Korunda Gate by way of Krona Peak - managed to get into the Vault of House Kundarak.  Discovered a vampire spying on them, and met up with an Orc named The Forlorn Hope, and will be dining with him.
54 2024-02-17 Sypheros 1, 999 Korunda Gate 11 PCs dine with Forlorn Hope, then meet with Jaela Daran, leader of the Silver Flame, and meet a strange outsider - then join that strange to try to save the world by chasing down some lycanthropes!
55 2024-03-09 Sypheros 2, 999 Passage 11 Met Fast Eddy, Find the Changegate, stop the ritual, save the day (yay).
56 2024-03-30  Sycheros 4, 999  Changegate, Eldeen Reaches 11  Find the Watch Tower that Fast Eddy talked about, fought some undead and an Overmind (Beholder) and it's cults. 
57 2024-04-20 Sycheros 9, 999 Watchtower at Demon Wastes 12  The heroes return to Sharn, meet with their friends/mentors/lovers, and participate in a Fight Club!
58 2024-05-18 Sycheros 10, 999 Sharn (Firelight, Fight Club) 12 The heroes complete the Fight Club.  The next day Straffet & QIX encounter a dead priestess of the Silver Flame, working miracles in the Fallen neighborhood.
59 2024-08-31 Sycheros 11, 999 Sharn (Fallen) 12 The heroes re-group and confront the Council of Ghosts to find the Silver Path. 
60 2024-09-20 Sycheros 11, 999 Sharn (Fallen) 12 The heroes continue down the silver path, and fight a Shadow Demon and some Rutterkins.... but the path continues
61 2024-10-12 Sycheros 11, 999 Sharn (Fallen) 12 The heroes find the end of the silver path - and seal the Khyber Rift and set Faela at ease, for now.  Returning to Ocean View, they decide where to go next!
62 2024-12-14 Sycheros 11, 999 Sharn (Ocean View) 12  Milo's Marauders go out to the nightclub Glitterdust (and meet Melodi the Harpy), then afterparty at Rat Trap Inn - all whilst Straffet patrolled/defended OceanView.
63 2025-??-?? Sycheros 12, 999 Sharn (Ocean View) 12  










  • Sharn (Ocean View)
  • New Cyre (Ciderwood House)
  • Korth (Kurious Keep)
  • Regalport (Coral Crest Manor)
  • Stormhome (?)
  • Metrol (?) 



  • Cpt Blood






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