
Abomination Vaults

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Abomination Vaults


The GM: Ryan


The Characters:


Player Character Race Class Background Alt Character Alt Class
Ben Gadron & Moe
Cavern Elf
Eldritch Anatomist
Gadron Gunslinger
Cory Ulmin Deephallow
Rogue (Mastermind) Starwatcher
Vasha Druid
Claus Talathel
Seer Elf
Achemist (Bomber)
Ruin Delver Xur Oracle
Sam Zanathel
Seer Elf
Cleric (Battle) Market Runner Zan Swashbuckler
Jason Kayden Windgate Human Redeemer (Sarenrae) Fogfen Tale-Teller Helga Sorcerer




Game System: Pathfinder 2nd Edition


Game Type: Campaign



Session # IRL Game Date In World Game Date Start Lvl Who was there High Level Session Notes 
0 2023-07-26 / 2023-08-02 NA NA Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam Testing out Foundry - Playing through some of Beginner Box / Logging in to confirm characters, upload pictures, get used to sheet, etc
1 2023-08-09
Moonday, Desnus 8th, 4723 AR (Day 01) 1 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam We met saving the young daughter of the mayor, then decided to charge to the Gauntlight Keep to save to confront the Gnome Soul Sucking Light! 
2 2023-08-16 Toilday, Desnus 9th, 4723 AR (Day 02) 1
Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam 

Continue to explore Gauntlight Keep - fighting MItflit, Skulks, Maggots, and Flies - After two drop, the group retreats for the day 

3 2023-08-23  Toilday, Desnus 9th, 4723 AR (Day 02) 1 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason (NPC), Sam  We head back to Gauntlight after chatting with Otari citizens, fight Mitflits and a Haunt, and find evidence of the 3 ne'er-do-wells were camped nearby.
4 2023-08-30 Toilday, Desnus 9th, 4723 AR (Day 02) 1 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam 

We continue to search Gauntlight, gain enterance to the ground floor of the lighthouse, get slaughtered by a Scorpion, and then retreat back to Otari

5 2023-09-06 Wealday, Desnus 10th, 4723 AR (Day 03) 1 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Return to the Gauntlight, head into the Chapel and fight some skeletons.  Then find the boss, and fight him!  
6 2023-09-13 Wealday, Desnus 10th, 4723 AR (Day 03) 1* Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Explore the out building, recover a spyglass.  Returning to Otari, the Guantlight shines on the graveyard and bring undead (and then when it went out, a spider aberration appeared. 
7 2023-09-27 Wealday, Desnus 10th, 4723 AR (Day 03) 1* Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Level up and return to the Guantlight, defeat the haunt at the base of the lighthouse and then defeat the mist at the top of the lighthouse. 
8 2023-10-04 Oathday, Desnus 11th, 4723 AR (Day 04) 2 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Vanquished the Haunt, talk to Mayor's Daughter, head back to Gauntlight and explore the basement.  We find a note for a secret door in the study.
9 2023-10-11 Fireday, Desnus 12th, 4723 AR (Day 05) 2 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason (NPC), Sam  Continuing to explore beneath Gauntlight, fight some Morlocks, chat with more Morlocks, chat with a Dragon, kill more Morlocks... 
10 2023-10-18 Fireday, Desnus 12th, 4723 AR (Day 05) 2 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Tala attracts a shadow who attacks as they are taking their prisoner away, go back to Otari, shop/rest, head back to Gauntlight, find some cool rooms, and fight the shadow again, defeating it. 
11 2023-10-25 Starday, Desnus 13th, 4723 AR (Day 06) 3* Ben, Claus (late), Cory, Jason, Sam  We continue to explore Gaunlight's basement - fighting a Skeletal Giant, a Brown Mold and then retreat.   Back in Otari, we find our prisoner was killed by a guard, who has been arrested. 
12 2023-11-01 Sunday, Desnus 14th, 4723 AR (Day 07) 3 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam 

We spend the day in Otari doing various things, then kill the brown mold and bring back the rogue's bodies.  The next day we head back to Otari, and face/free a devil named Zozzlarin.  (We won't regret that in the future.)

13 2023-11-15 Moonday, Desnus, 15th, 4723 AR (Day 08) 3 Ben (NPC), Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Finish exploring the upper floor of the Gauntlight basement - Fight some spiders and a man-spider.  Find the library guarded by undead.  Zan yells at Tala!
14 2023-11-22 Moonday, Desnus 15th, 4723 AR (Day 08) 3 Ben (NPC), Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Take the books from the library back to town, buy and sell some stuff, witness a mysterious stranger come into town demanding a sword (oh, and mail order a bag of holding!)
15 2023-11-29 Toilsday, Desnus 16th, 4723 AR (Day 09) 3 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We return to the Guantlight, get scared about a Grave Knight, tangle with an annoying glow-fairy, and find stairs going down and fight a handful of Corselights. 
16 2023-12-06 Toilsday, Desnus 16th, 4723 AR (Day 09) 3 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Continue to explore - coming across an Undead Bookbinder (whom we help), find a Janitor's Washroom, Fight a Ghoul who flees and then comes back and we defeat it! 
17 2023-12-20 Wealday, Desnus 17th, 4723 AR (Day 10)  3 Ben Claus (NPC), Cory, Jason, Sam The group recuperates in Otari - researching the fabled weapons of the Rose Guard.  The next day we meet with the mayor after Dorianna has a dream that says the two prisoners will be killed at Midnight of the 20th!!!
18 2024-01-03 Oathday, Desnus 18th, 4723 AR (Day 11) 3 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam Continue to fight through the Gauntlight, fighting several (many) ghouls and a Gibbering Mouther
19 2024-01-10 Oathday, Desnus 18th, 4723 AR (Day 11) 4* Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We fight a statue of Balcora, and a ghoul priestess of Nimbolath and release a devil from his contract to learn info about where the prisoners are.
20 2024-01-24 Oathday, Desnus 18th, 4723 AR (Day 11) 4*  Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Explored the last two rooms before leaving - find a haunt!  Then we go back to Otari, rest, return, and are heading towards the prison!  But first, a ghost chef - and a LEECH-DROW!!!
21 2024-02-07 Fireday, Desnus 19th, 4723 AR (Day 12) 4 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We find the secret door hiding Lasda & Golgath, and recover them as the Graveknight finds us!  Somehow we escape and leave! 
22 2024-02-21 Starday, Desnus 20th, 4723 AR (Day 13) 4 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason (NPC), Sam  Returning to the Gauntlight, we explore levels explored, defeat a haunt, and solve the puzzle of Doomed Absalom, revealing a secret door within which we find...  
23 2024-02-28 Starday, Desnus 20th, 4723 AR (Day 13) 4 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We recover things from the secret door - journals, books, rituals and blueprints.  We then head back to Otari to figure it out. 
24 2024-03-06 Moonday, Desnus, 22th, 4723 AR (Day 15) 4 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Returning to the Gauntlight we find a man and his wolf, then we trigger so many fights and well... Kayden is still awake. 
25 2024-03-13 Moonday, Desnus, 22th, 4723 AR (Day 15)
4 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Ulmin is brought back to life, we defeat a werewolf - but not the one we thought we were fighting, and return to Otari. 
26 2024-03-20 Toilsday, Desnus 23rd, 4723 AR (Day 16) 4 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason (NPC), Sam 

After talking to Keleno, we talk to Wrin to has read more of Balcorra's journal - very troubling.  Then we return to the Gauntlight and we find OTARI!!! And then we confront and defeat the Void Glutton!! 

27 2024-04-03 Toilsday, Desnus 23rd, 4723 AR (Day 16) 5* Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  After recovering, we find another un-opened door, and beyond it we find and defeat a Daemon torturer.  Upon returning to Otari, Tala's hallucinates.  
28 2024-04-10 Toilsday, Desnus 23rd, 4723 AR (Day 16) 5 Ben, Claus, Cory (NPC), Jason, Sam  Tala doesn't get arrested, we head back to the Gauntlight, activate two teleportation circles, and head downstairs to fight some Grouthlut's and Gibbering Mouthers 
29 2024-04-17 Wealsday, Desnus 24th, 4723 AR (Day 17) 5 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We explore this level - finding another Daemon (of Rusted Chains), 3x Fleshmass Heaps, and a very rude mind-controlling ghost!!
30 2024-04-24 Wealsday, Desnus 24th, 4723 AR (Day 17) 5 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We fight some poltergeist and then a gigantic bonehemith!!! and then following a teleportation circle we get attacked by a huge Destrachan (getting our asses kicked), but we fled!
31 2024-05-01 Wealsday, Desnus 24th, 4723 AR (Day 17) 5 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We run back to Otari with our tail between our legs, heal up (remove some diseases (except Gadron, sucker)), then return to the Gaunlight, and fight a some Eye-Frogs and Mimics!
32 2024-05-08 Oathday, Desnus 25th, 4723 AR (Day 18) 5 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We evade the Grave Knight as we find another Teleportation Circle (but fail to activate it), and the confront a Mummy and are forced to retreat as it retreats.  We give chase. 
33 2024-05-22 Oathday, Desnus 25th, 4723 AR (Day 18) 5 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We have an epic dance off with a rival band, and we "won" - since the behemoth devoured him (I guess?) Then we trigger a sludge monster (and leave), and then we explore and get jumped by two Basilisks.
34 2024-05-29 Oathday, Desnus 25th, 4723 AR (Day 18) 6* Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We start heading out, but explore one last room, where we find a long tunnel that leads (eventually) to an old smuggler's hide out where we find a greater shadow worshiper of Nhimboloth.  Then we head back to Otari 
35 2024-06-05 Oathday, Desnus 25th, 4723 AR (Day 18) 6* Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Tala tries to read the book and it tries to suck his soul - Zan finds out he's the key - and Vandy is able to read the book.  Next, we return to the Guantlight? 
36 2024-06-19 Fireday, Desnus 26th, 4723 AR (Day 19) 6 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We discuss things, see our auras, get told to start getting along, and head back to the Guanltight. 
37 2024-06-26 Fireday, Desnus 26th, 4723 AR (Day 19) 6 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We return to the Gauntlight, defeat the watching wall, free Mollund (the spider-taur), disable the scythe trap (for naught), fail to activate the teleportation circle,  descend a floor to the lab and... (to be continued)
38 2024-07-03 Fireday, Desnus 26th, 4723 AR (Day 19) 6 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We fought a Fleshwarper and a Drider.  It sucked.  Mollund was MVP.  We cache our loot and prepare to adventure further... 
39 2024-07-10 Fireday, Desnus 26th, 4723 AR (Day 19) 6 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason (NPC), Sam  We use the key to go through the door we couldn't go through before, and fight the Destrachan (winning this time!) then we proceed to fight a Seugathi Guardian.  Then head back to town to restock. 
40 2024-07-17 Fireday, Desnus 26th, 4723 AR (Day 19) 6 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam Ulmin is a Leshy!!  We spend the night in Otari, then return to the gaunlight and start fighting the ever-multiplying Undulating Yellow Thingies!!!
41 2024-07-24 Starday, Desnus 27th, 4723 AR (Day 20) 6 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We defeat the Undulating Yellow Thingies, and an Irnakurse!!! Then we find a tavern where a massacre happened for Morlocks, and we also find 3 dead ... non-monstrous folks.  Then we activate a portal.
42 2024-07-31 Starday, Desnus 27th, 4723 AR (Day 20) 6 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We finally fought the Sod Hounds, and their keeper.  Then we found the Sarglagon... it was quite heavy.  Then we finish of exploring the obvious places, and head back to Otari
43 2024-08-07 Sunday, Desnus 28th, 4723 AR (Day 21) 7 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Dorianna is better, escort a tortured nephilim back to Otari, then continue into the brimstone layer - finding a red iron door of evil!!!! And killing some Mecho-goblin-Spiders.
44 2024-08-14 Sunday, Desnus 28th, 4723 AR (Day 21) 7 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We fight some fiends, (Erinys, 2x Barbazu, 6x Grothluts, and a GUG!!!) - hard fight, but we win.  
45 2024-08-21 Sunday, Desnus 28th, 4723 AR (Day 21) 7 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Opening the next room, we fight an Iyagian and then absolutely murder a poor innocent wage-slave Imp (just 20 days from Retirement!), and find the "Stasis Room!"
46 2024-08-28 Sunday, Desnus 28th, 4723 AR (Day 21) 7 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason (NPC), Sam  We explore the Stasis room, confront a cursed witch of Sarenrae, then her tormentor - a Denizen of Leng (who holds Dorianna's life in his hands, at least he did until he died.) 
47 2024-09-11 Sunday, Desnus 28th, 4723 AR (Day 21) 7 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Returning to Otari, Alyssa is dead (but Dorianna is fine).  We collect the 4 items, and plan to bring everything to the library in the morning.  Carmen is on the verge of leaving. 
48 2024-09-18 Moonday, Desnus 29th, 4723 (Day 22) Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason (NPC), Sam 
We find out more about our Roseguard items, then head back to the Gauntlight, and fight a floating head (Wispy Willow per Ulmin), and we find the 4th pendent piece.
49 2024-09-25 Moonday, Desnus 29th, 4723 (Day 22) 7 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Exploring further, we are attacked by a few Dreshkans and Mulventoks.  After defeating them, we come across a lake of Magma supporting a summoning circle from which come 2 Erinys's
50 2024-10-02 Moonday, Desnus 29th, 4723 (Day 22) 7 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Defeating the Erinys, the group ponders their next steps and decide to pass through the pentagram door, and meet with Urivian - and then everything changed!!! 
51 2024-10-23 Otherverse 7 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  [Other-verse] The heroes make their way to Aroden's Bastion, as he foresaw, and begin his trials.
52 2024-11-06 Otherverse 7 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason (NPC), Sam  [Other-verse] We succeed both the library and the chapel, earning the gift of Aroden.  [REAL] Cadillo the Graveknight kills Urivian, and we fight him...
53 2024-11-20 Moonday, Desnus 29th, 4723 (Day 22) 7 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  (somehow) Defeat Caliddo the Grave Knight.  Return to Otari.  Brand ourselves the Torchlight.   
54 2024-12-04 Toilsday, Desnus 30th, 4723 (Day 23) 8 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We recover in Otari, clense afflictions, learn histories, craft runes.  Then returning to the Gauntlight, we make our way to the 7th floor, activating portals on the way. 
55 2025-01-01 Toilsday, Desnus 30th, 4723 (Day 23) 8 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason Sam  Venturing down the lift, we are given a tour of the mushroom farming by some Bog Mummies, and then fight a pair of Dread Wisps, alert Balcorra of our presence, and then fight 6 Caligni Stalkers, which was quite illuninating.
56 2025-01-08 Toilsday, Desnus 30th, 4723 (Day 23) 8 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  Exploring the 8th floor, we face various Caligni, each worse than the one before... what a foul place! 
57 2025-01-15 Toilsday, Desnus 30th, 4723 (Day 23) 8 Ben (NPC), Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We wander around, get attacked by some wisps, then find our way back to the original lake that we entered the floor on, but are attached by Chuuls, an Undead Monkey Skeleton Monster, and a Dire Armored Chameleon!!!
58 2025-01-22 Toilsday, Desnus 30th, 4723 (Day 23) 8 Ben, Claus, Cory (NPC), Jason, Sam  We continue to fight the Skeletal Hulk (UMSM) and Krooth (Dire Chameleon).  Surviving we try to explore more, and find a DEMILICH! and then find the elevator has been sabotaged!  As we repair, we get attacked...
59 2025-01-29 Toilsday, Desnus 30th, 4723 (Day 23)** 8 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason (NPC), Sam  Three Bodaks try to glare us to death (by draining?), but it turns out they were just softening us up for Urthagal, the GUG!  Folks start dropping as a band of ... dark elves come to our aid!
60 2025-02-05 Toilsday, Desnus 30th, 4723 (Day 23)** 8 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  The group meets with the Eridithil Clan, accepts hospitality, finds out some information... then discovers that Otari is under attack!
61 2025-02-12 Wealsday, Desnus 31, 4723 (Day 24) 8 Ben, Claus, Cory, Jason, Sam  We decide to reactivate the teleporation cirlce, and have to defeat the goliath spider (uffdah).  Returning to Otari, we find 9 dead, and that the Grave Knight has returned to the Gauntlight! 
62 2025-02-19 Oathday, Sarenith 1, 4723 (Day 25) 9    

* Have the XP to level up, but haven't taken a rest yet.

** Technically the next day, but we haven't slept



When the mysterious lighthouse called Gauntlight glows with baleful light, the people of Otari suspect that it’s an ominous prelude to sinister events. Heroes must explore the ruins around the lighthouse and delve into the dungeon levels below. Hideous monsters, deadly traps, and vengeful ghosts all await the heroes who dare to enter the sprawling Abomination Vaults!









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