Faerun 48 Hours
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last edited
by Kr1mz0n 1 year, 11 months ago
D&D 5e
Heroes face a region wide enemy, after an extensive war rid the world of old heroes. The Sword Coast is their home and they are sages with hidden knowledge and a lust for fighting monsters. This should be a fast paced, action heavy, travel, research, combat, and quick decisions and killing monsters. I envision the 4-8 encounters per game day, so plan for lots of fighting healing and short resting. Get a helmet!!
The GM: Jeff
The Players:
House Rules:
- Inspiration is gained only on a roll of 1. For ease in an online game.
GM Links:
Char Gen
Letter from Jack
Intel from First Read of Jack's Journals
Group Actions:
Pick your action during Sessions (8 can be taken between "Long Rests").
- Research.
- Fly to Candlekeep and research. Research +5 at Candlekeep.
- Travel to the next town. Random Encounter outside the city.
- Fly to any town (usable once per Long Rest). D6: 1-3 Random Encounter at drop point.
- Fight an enemy group/s (or Minion, but a Minion is never alone) in the current town.
- Fight a battle to close a gate, once you’ve found it using Research, and are in the gate city, and have fought off all other cultists (or they all show up to protect the gate). Battle is 3 parts as described.
- New and Special. Other actions as they come up. But some actions might be free. Feel free to try things. Surprise me. (Rituals?) Random ideas, or things that give special situational or environmental benefits but be hard to achieve are possible (Get with the Pogrom!!).
- Shop for magic items. Group CHR skill roll. DC 20 is book price, DC 15 is book x2, DC10 is book x3. <DC10 Fail.
“Free Actions”:
- Level up.
- Short Rest.
When arriving at any city, there is a chance of a random encounter in the town outside the city as you ride, or on 1-3 on D6 as you ride in from your airship drop point. Once you’re in a town, there are no more random encounters there, until you leave and come back.
Downtime Actions:
Between “Days” The players can take 2 actions as a group:
- Level up.
- Make magic items.
- Research. (Group).
- New and Special. (Travel somewhere and get Rez. Surviving Group CHR roll).
- Find another Group Member (to replace dead).
On a successful Group check DC 15 History or Streetwise or Investigate or other applicable skill will tell you info about the cultists. Things you know: Cultists work at night, their numbers won’t change in a given day; only at the change over from one day to the next. Same with Minions. The qty also won’t change in a day, but at the end of a day (Cultist “downtime” is grow more cultists…).
Finally, Allowable questions:
- “Which cities have cultists?” (should be done once / turn…)
- “How many cultists groups/Minions are in city <insert name>?” This also tells their general content (e.g. 5 cultists, 10 zombies, vs. 12 Arrumvorax and 2 cultists). (Should be done before going to a city. But you don't have to...)
- When B is discovered PCs get a free roll to determine properties of the monsters contained. Please be good about PC knowledge vs. Player knowledge. If you don’t learn enough from that free roll, can take another Research action for more knowledge on the contents.
- Ask one of the 3 questions to locate a Gate, another Group Check DC15. If successful, roll d6: 1-2 Gate 1 clue, 3-4 Gate 2 clue, 5-6 Gate 3 clue. Can get too many clues for 1 gate, no matter.
- Info on Krastur.
- Info on Gate Anchor guardians leader/teams, or Summoning teams inside the barrier.
Tropes new to the Sword Coast maybe, but I'll be using in this game:
There is a continent wide mail express that delivers mail twice per day, noon and at nightfall.
Flying boats are more common, like in Earthdawn.
Despite the world being Faerun, this Mission falls to the PCs. World timeline is advanced about 1 decade, after a major continent wide war, which cost humanity 9 out of 10 of it’s heroes. Plus, the conspiratorial / cult nature of the threat means most people won’t believe you (and most heroes won’t believe your plight) until an Old God is overhead. The PC group is the "Chosen Ones." There are some higher level NPCs you might be familiar with, but they're mainly unable to help (or more likely are just dead), and The Mission falls to you all.
Opening session is at a large Sword Coast Sage Commission (SCSC or SC2) meeting being held at a Noble Estate in Waterdeep of family Alexievich you're all called to attend, and will be attending with your Patron from the College, Jack the Mighty and Awesome Bard.
Char Lvl | XP (Start)
Char Lvl | XP (End) |
Date (RL)
Date Start (In Game) |
Date End (In Game) |
Starting Location |
Ending Location |
Big Event |
Session 1
2 | 300 |
3 | 930 |
Kythorn 1, 1499 |
Kythorn 2, 1499
Waterdeep |
Waterdeep |
Fight Minion, Jack dies, get journal. (gain 630xp) |
Session 2 |
3 | 930 |
3 | 1618 |
2022/05/19 |
Kythorn 2, 1499 |
Kythorn 3, 1499
Waterdeep |
Candlekeep |
Fought in Suzail, Researched (gain 688xp)
Session 3 |
3 | 1618 |
3 | 2343 |
2022/06/16 |
Kythorn 3, 1499
Kythorn 3, 1499
Candlekeep |
Neverwinter |
Travel to Neverwinter, Fight Bandits, Fought Cultists (completed Action 3) (Gain 725xp) |
Session 4 |
3 | 2343 |
4 | 3518 |
2022/06/23 |
Kythorn 3, 1499
Kythorn 3, 1499
Neverwinter |
Neverwinter |
Fought Cultists (x2), (Completed action 5) (Gain 1175xp) |
Session 5 |
4 | 3518 |
4 | 4352 |
2022/07/07 |
Kythorn 3, 1499
Kythorn 3, 1499
Neverwinter |
Neverwinter |
Fought a double group of cultists (Completed action 6) (Gain 834xp) |
Session 6 |
4 | 4352 |
4 | 4952 |
2022/07/14 |
Kythorn 3, 1499
Kythorn 3, 1499
Neverwinter |
Neverwinter |
Fought a group of cultists & skeletons leaving Neverwinter (Completed action 7) (Gain 600xp) |
Session 7 |
4 | 4952 |
4 | 6227 |
Kythorn 3, 1499 |
Kythorn 4, 1499 |
Neverwinter |
Waterdeep |
Fought the last group of cultists/Ghouls then move to Waterdeep (Completed action 1) (Gain 1275xp)
Bonus XP |
4 | 6227 |
5 | 6620 |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Bonus |
NA |
NA |
Gaining Makeup Xp for the bonus Ghouls (damn ghouls) +393 |
Session 8 |
5 | 6620 |
5 | 8200 |
2022/08/11 |
Kythorn 4, 1499 |
Kythorn 4, 1499 |
Waterdeep |
Silverymoon |
Fought in WD, Fought in Yartar, traveled to Silverymoon (Gain 1,580xp) |
Session 9 |
5 | 8200 |
5 | 10000 |
2022/08/18 |
Kythorn 4, 1499 |
Kythorn 5, 1499 |
Silverymoon |
Silverymoon |
Fought in Silverymoon twice, then researched (Gain 1,800xp) |
Session 10 |
5 | 10000 |
5 | 11125 |
2022/08/25 |
Kythorn 5, 1499 |
Kythorn 5, 1499 |
Silverymoon |
Evereska |
Fought in Silverymoon, Travel to Evereska (Gain 1125xp) |
Session 11 |
5 | 11125 |
6 | 14725 |
2022/09/01 |
Kythorn 5, 1499 |
Kythorn 5, 1499 |
Evereska |
Arabel |
Fought in Evereska, Fast Travel to Arabel, Fought in Arable (gain 3600xp) |
Session 12 |
6 | 14725 |
7 | 23045 |
2022/09/08 |
Kythorn 5, 1499 |
Kythorn 5, 1499 |
Abarel |
Suzail |
Fought in Arabel, travel to Suzail (ambushed) - (Gain 8320xp) |
Trueup |
7 | 23045 |
7 | 23085 |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Bonus |
NA |
NA |
Trueing up to Jeff's totals - dunno where I f'd up (Gain 40xp) |
Session 13 |
7 | 23085 |
7 | 26925 |
2022/09/15 |
Kythorn 5, 1499 |
Kythorn 6, 1499 |
Suzail |
Candlekeep |
Fought in Suzail, travel to Candlekeep (Gain 3840xp) |
Session 14 |
7 | 26925 |
7 | 31725 |
2022/09/22 |
Kythorn 6, 1499 |
Kythorn 6, 1499 |
Candlekeep |
Candlekeep |
Fought in Candlekeep (Gain 4800xp) |
Session 15 |
7 | 31725 |
7 | 31725 |
2022/09/29 |
Kythorn 6, 1499 |
Kythorn 6, 1499 |
Candlekeep |
Candlekeep |
Started fighting against the 200 bandits! (Gain 0xp so far) |
Session 16 |
7 | 31725 |
7 | 32879 |
2022/10/06 |
Kythorn 6, 1499 |
Kythorn 6, 1499 |
Candlekeep |
Candlekeep |
Finish Fighting the Bandits (1154xp) |
Session 17 |
7 | 32879 |
8 | 35519 |
2022/10/13 |
Kythorn 6, 1499 |
Kythorn 6, 1499 |
Candlekeep |
Candlekeep |
Head down to the Candlekeep Gate - 2 fights down (2640xp) |
Session 18 |
8 | 35519 |
8 | 39944 |
2022/10/20 |
Kythorn 6, 1499 |
Kythorn 6, 1499 |
Candlekeep |
Candlekeep |
Keep going down to candlekeep gate - 3 fights down (4425xp) |
Session 19 |
8 | 39944 |
8 | 41684 |
2022/11/03 |
Kythorn 6, 1499 |
Kythorn 7, 1499 |
Candlekeep |
Candlekeep |
Fight the last group before boss (1740xp) - Planning on attacking boss next day
Session 20 |
8 | 41684 |
8 | 47164 |
2022/11/10 |
Kythorn 7, 1499 |
Kythorn 7, 1499
Candlekeep |
Candlekeep |
Fight the Boss & and Defeat the Gate! (5480xp)
Session 21 |
8 | 47164 |
8 | 51524 |
2022/12/08 |
Kythorn 7, 1499
Kythorn 7, 1499 |
Candlekeep |
Westgate |
Fight Toothbag, Research, Fly to Westgate (4360xp) |
Session 22 |
8 | 51524 |
8 | 55574 |
2022/12/15 |
Kythorn 7, 1499 |
Kythorn 7, 1499 |
Westgate |
Westgate |
Fight Blue Cult in Westgate (4050xp) |
Session 23 |
8 | 55574 |
8 | 62214 |
2023/01/05 |
Kythorn 8, 1499 |
Kythorn 8, 1499 |
Westgate |
Westgate |
Fight another Blue Cult in Westgate and head down the pit (6640xp)
Session 24 |
8 | 62214 |
9 | 66254 |
2023/01/12 |
Kythorn 8, 1499 |
Kythorn 8, 1499 |
Wesgate |
Westgate |
Fight another group down the pit (4040xp) |
Session 25 |
9 | 66254 |
10 | 69,574 |
2023/01/19 |
Kythorn 8, 1499 |
Kythorn 8, 1499 |
Westgate |
Westgate |
Fight more Banshees down in the pit (3320xp) |
Session 26 |
10 | 66,574 |
12 | 97,634 |
2023/01/26 |
Kythorn 9, 1499 |
Kythorn 9, 1499 |
Westgate |
Arabel |
Chase after Krastur - Ambushed and fight first 2 floors (31,060xp) |
Session 27 |
12 | 97,634 |
2023/03/02 |
Kythorn 9, 1499 |

Faerun 48 Hours
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